"Ojala Pudiera Borrarte" makes my heart light up every time I hear it. I haven't a clue what it's about, but it's simply a beautiful, almost spiritual song for me. I know some have criticized Mana for not breaking any new ground with this album, I disagree. This is their most well rounded album yet. It highlights how versatile these fine writers and musicians really are. Every song was impeccably recorded and yet not so overly processed that I grew tired of it. This is not always true in these days of digital recording.
Mana is an acclaimed rock band from Mexico that came across my radar a few years ago. Although I can make out only a handful of words (I don't speak Spanish) I find the music captivating and original. I have spent time with ¿Dónde Jugarán los Niños? and Cuando los Ángeles Lloran, two albums from the 90's that sharpened my appreciation for this Grammy Award winning band.
On Amar Es Combatir "Labios Compartidos" and "Somos Mar y Arena" round out my three favorite songs. This CD has spent alot of time in the car - excellent driving music. Needless to say I recommend Amar Es Combatir wholeheartedly!
4 of 5 stars
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